Use of Parking Space Permit

Any private property owner, developer, contractor, small business, organization or individual that needs to block or take a public parking space out-of-service for any period must obtain a Use of Parking Space Permit from Park Plymouth.   A complete copy of the Use of Parking Space Permit Policy and permit application form currently in effect can be found by clicking below. The policy applies to any public parking space regardless of its location or type (curbside or in a surface lot, time-limited, metered, or non-metered) during daytime or night-time hours.

A Use of Parking Space Permit is intended to ensure that the project or event plans submitted by a property owner, contractor, event organizer, or individual provide for adequate pedestrian and vehicular safety in and around the work zone, are in compliance with all munipical regulations and Department requirements, and ensure that Park Plymouth does not incur any loss in daily or parking citation revenue during the construction or event period.

Use of Parking Space Policy 

Use of Parking Space Permit Application Form

The deadline for submitting a Use of Parking Space Permit Application depends on the duration of time the public parking space(s) will be taken out-of-service.  When a public parking space is to be used for a period of up to 21 calendar days, the applicant must submit the application at least 48-hours in advance of the project initiation or event date.  The Park Plymouth Director of Operations is authorized to review and approve permit applications for projects or events lasting up to 21 calendar days.  If the project or event requires the use of a public parking space(s) for more than 21 calendar days, the permit application must be submitted at least 14 calendar days in advance so that it can be reviewed and approved by the PGDC Board of Directors.  

The permit application must provide information indicating (a) the applicant and/or property owner and contact information, (b) the location and type of project/event being undertaken, (c) the exact location and number of parking spaces to be utilized or taken out-of-service (including meter numbers where applicable), (d) a reasonable estimate of the duration of the project and length of time (days) the parking spaces will be utilized, (e) a description of any vehicles, structures or materials to be located in the parking spaces, and (f) certification that all necessary pre-approvals or permits from Town Police, Fire, or Building Departments have been received. The approval of a Use of Parking Space permit may also be conditioned on meeting other requirements as well, such as notifying abutters, providing police details, etc.

** Note:  Many events in Plymouth may require the submission of a Special Events Application to the Town of Plymouth, in addition to this permit for using public parking spaces.  Applicants for parking permits should consult with Town officials to determine if the Town of Plymouth Special Events Permit requirements will also apply.

Any application for use of a public parking space(s) must be accompanied by a non-refundable, one-time application fee of $50.00, irrespective of the number of public parking spaces or days used.  Applicants must also pay a non-refundable daily fee for the loss of parking revenue based on the time of year the project or event occurs, the location and number of parking spaces being taken out of service, the parking rate in effect at the time of the project or event, and the number of day(s) the parking space(s) will be unavailable for public use.  See the Park Plymouth Use of Parking Space Permit Policy for a complete permit fee schedule. 

There are also numerous conditions that must be satisfied by applicants seeking a Use of Parking Space Permit. And under certain conditions or for selected special events, the PGDC may grant an applicant a waiver from the Use of Parking Space Permit requirements, including a waiver from or reduction in the permit fees that would otherwise be due.  Any waiver requests must be submitted to the PGDC at least 14 calendar days in advance of the project or event initiation date.  The conditions under which a waiver may be considered can be found in the Use of Parking Space Permit Policy. 

Please consult the Park Plymouth office should you have any questions regarding your responsibility to obtain a Use of Parking Space permit. 

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