Cost Of Parking Permits

If you visit, work or shop often in the downtown/waterfront area of Plymouth, a parking permit will cost substantially less than paying for parking on an hourly or daily basis.  The permit parking prices are provided below.

On-Line Applicants -- All on-line applicants must upload a valid driver's license and current registration.


Requirements for Premium Permit & Limited Permit

All applicants who apply in-person or by mail must provide either proof of current Plymouth residency or proof of employment within the Park Plymouth footprint, plus a valid driver’s license and a current vehicle registration. If you are an employee residing outside of Plymouth, you must also provide current verification of your employment in Plymouth (i.e. a pay stub or a signed letter from employer).

Requirements Commercial Fisherman Permit

All applicants who apply in-person or by mail must provide a current Commercial Fisherman license with a Plymouth homeport, a valid driver’s license, and a current vehicle registration. Park Plymouth caps the number of Commercial Fisherman permits issued each year to 75 and they are sold on a first come, first serve basis.

Additional requirements for Out of Town Business Owners

**Two Forms Of Business Ownership Are Required, and 
Out of Town Business Owner permits are limited to two (2) per business. 

 Important permit requirements to remember:

  • All out-of-town residents and all commercial fisherman must provide the verification documents listed under each permit type on the application.
  • To qualify for the Senior Citizen discount, you must be 66 years old by January 1st of the permit year; however, those who qualified for a Senior Discount permit in previous years will automatically qualify for the discount rate.
  • Permits are not interchangeable between vehicles.
  • Your parking permit must be affixed to the inside upper right-hand corner of the passenger door window on the vehicle to which it is assigned.
  • A parking permit will not be issued or re-issued until all outstanding parking tickets are paid in full.
  • Permits affixed to a vehicle must be a valid permit issued for that vehicle by Park Plymouth (no replicates).
  • There are no full or partial refunds on permit purchases.
  • There is a $10.00 fee for the first replacement of a lost, damaged or stolen permit, or for the placement of a replacement permit on a new vehicle; additional permit replacements will cost full price.  There will be no replacement fee if you return the old permit.
  • Park Plymouth reserves the right to deny a permit request and/or revoke parking permits for non-compliance and abuse of the permit rules at any time. 
  • NEW: All permit holders, of all types, are prohibited from parking longer than 72 hours in the same parking space (exclusive of snow emergencies); 1st offense will result in a warning while 2nd offense will result in loss of permit.